Infographic: New International Student Enrollment in US – 2016/17


The number of new international enrollments in US universities during 2016/17 has experienced a decline by 3.3 percent, IIE data revealed.

While the overall number of foreign students in the US is still rising, being above a million for the second year in a row, the annual new enrollment growth is declining after years of continual growth.

In 2015/16,300,743 new students were enrolled in higher education in the US and in 2016/17 the number dropped to 290,836, meaning a -3.3 decrease.

This accurately proves experts’ expectations after Trump presidency and his immigration restrictions and many cases of anti-immigrant violence.

The US still remains on the top list of international students destinations, but the competition is getting tougher with many countries lately establishing national strategies to lure more international students in, such as Canada and Australia.

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