MS Physics Resource: Space Physics

Guide to Basic Definitions and Key Concepts

Plasma Physics

Solar Wind


  • Atmospheric Physics is an effective tutorial providing information on ozone, UV rays, and radiation. It also contains links to a glossary of terms and other resources for further study.
  • MIT Open Course Ware: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry is a free online course from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It contains both written and audio lectures on atmospheric physics and chemistry.
  • Atmospheric Physics Branch is a resource compiled by the NASA Ames Research Center. Its various groups link to information on a variety of space physics topics and concepts.
  • Physics of the Atmosphere is a comprehensive and useful page of resources linking to a complete and recently published online textbook. The resources are grouped into categories such as atmosphere, temperature, motion, maps, pressure, and data.



  • The Aurora Page contains Images, summary information, forecasts, and links to other interesting web pages with auroral information or related data and content.
  • Secrets of the Polar Aurora  provides information on where and when the aurora is seen, its relation to the Earth’s magnetic field, to the electric currents which accelerate its electrons,  as well as to radiation belts and sunspots, and magnetic storms.
  • Solar Storm and Space Weather provides a series of significant questions and answers regarding space physics and focusing on solar storm and space weather.
  • Forecasting Space Weather  is an excerpted chapter from Space Weather: Physics and Its Effects which outlines the ways in which to predict space weather using space physics as well as this field’s limitations and challenges.


  • Solar Physics is an online journal which covers a variety of peer reviewed interplanetary science articles on the internal structure of the Sun, its evolution to the outer corona, and solar wind.
  • Space Science Reviews is an online peer reviewed journal ranking ninth of all Astronomy and Astrophysics journals by Thomson Scientific.

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