International students super-satisfied with Australian education

9 out of 10 international students in Australia in 2016 said they are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of education received, the Australian Government reported on their official website.

65,000 international students participated in a survey organized by the Australian Government, which aimed to reveal their satisfaction with the quality of education offered to them in Australia.

Australia is becoming a top destination country for international students, attracting an increased number of them in recent years. They’ve already welcomed more than half a million foreign students who seem to be very happy with Australian education.

Different satisfactions’ segments to be measured were Arrivals, Living, Learning and Support. Overall students’ satisfaction was at 89%. While the overall satisfaction was at 89% among each satisfaction’s segment there were differences.

92 percent of students said to be satisfied with arrivals, 90% of them were satisfied with the support they received, 89% with Living and least with learning (87%).
Almost three-fourths (74%) of these students said they chose Australia as their first option to study in.

Students’ reasoning why they picked Australian higher education mainly relied on five factors: the reputation of Australian credentials, the reputation of the educational system, personal safety and security, quality of research and the reputation of an education provider.

The overall satisfaction grew by 1.3% between 2014 and 2016 according to the same surveys conducted in each year.

In comparison to other countries in the world, international students in Australia show a higher level of satisfaction; 87.4% against 87.3% in learning, 89% against 87.3% in living.

In addition, the survey reveals that students seem to easily share their mind to study in Australia because almost three-fourths (74%) of respondents said Australia was their first choice when they decided to study abroad. With all these being said is pretty comprehensible why Australia is becoming such an attraction to international students.

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