
An eruption in postgraduate students in Scotland during the past decade

Over the past decade the number of postgraduate students in Scottish higher education increased by 21%, official statistics show, reports Statistics Portal. The Scottish...

Illinois high school graduates likely to seek a college outside the state

Almost half of the high school graduates in Illinois during 2016 continued their education abroad, showed an Illinois Education Board report. The pace at which...

25,500 students in Germany received a scholarship in 2016/17

In 2016, 25,500 students in Germany were granted a scholarship, Destatis said. Germany’s Federal Office for Statistics, Destatis, revealed the number of students that took...

Germany to receive extra funds on research, following Brexit

While the Brexit may cause a significant damage to British higher education, some countries like Germany are likely to gain extra benefits, a study...

The UK to establish a special Institute for digital specialists

Under its national Industrial Strategy, the UK government will establish a special institution to help future digital specialists to reach higher digital skills, the...