International students in New Zealand increased by 10%

The number of international students in New Zealand universities increased by 10% between 2015 and 2016, according to report findings.

Following political, economic and other implications in international education the distribution pattern of international students between different countries, it’s reshaped with some countries recording a significant increase in international enrollment.

International education is becoming more inclusive with many countries becoming top attractions for international students alongside traditional destination, with New Zealand being one of them.

Between 2015 and 2016 the number of international student enrollment in eight New Zealand universities, from which the report took data, the figures increased by ten percent.
26,442 international students, as were recorded to be in 2016, shared 16% of the entire student population in these universities.

Out of 57 countries from where these students came, 37% or 4,644 students were from China more than from any other country. Chinese students were followed by those coming from the United States, India, Malaysia and Japan, which together counted for 30% of foreign students.

Despite being few in numbers compared to foreign students in the most popular countries of destination, New Zealand’s international students had a higher contribution to the country’s economy. As this report says, these students brought to the NZ’s economy a revenue of US $0.8 billion.

In the end, the report gives credit to the education consultants for their impact on increasing the number of foreign students coming to study in New Zealand. According to the report, 40% of international students were recruited by these professionals.

With its high living standard and the access to the beaches, no matter where you are located within the country and quality higher education make New Zealand such popular destination whose growth is just set to continue.

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