More than 700,000 foreign students seeking British higher degrees outside of UK, report reveals

More than 700,000 students seek a British degree in the UK’s higher education providers placed outside the country in 2016, statistics show.

The Universities UK International has released a report which shows that an increased number of the UK international students are seeking their degree in British education providers located outside the country.

A total of 700,000 foreign students were attending a British higher education provider in a campus stationed outside the UK in 2016. This number is more than 1.6 times larger than the number of those studying within the UK.

The Transnational Education, as these degrees are called, are becoming a popular way of pursuing a higher education degree, referring to these data. Between 2012/13 and 2015/16 international students seeking a British degree outside the UK increased by 17%.

This way of awarding higher education degrees is not only limited to overseas campuses, but it also includes different ways of reaching: through online provisions, distant learning, joint and dual degree programs etc.

Out of 224 countries with whom Britain has TNE activity arranged, Asian countries are mainly the ones which host most of the British TNE students, with Malaysia being at the top. Here are ten countries that set up this list

  1. Malaysia: 14.2%
  2. Singapore: 8.2%
  3. China: 7.1%
  4. Hong Kong: 6.4%
  5. Egypt: 5.1%
  6. Sri Lanka: 4.6%
  7. Oman: 4.6%
  8. Greece: 3.8%
  9. UAE: 3.3%
  10. India: 2.8%

Two-thirds of British TNE students were seeking an undergraduate degree, while the rest a postgraduate one. The report notes that, despite the fact that the ratio between the undergraduate degree and postgraduate degree seekers has remained stable for years on, it varied depending on where the students were.

This way of delivering higher education degrees is supported by the Government which aims to create and strength actual ties with different countries in the world through cooperation in higher education. The UK higher education relies much on international students whose number have been increasing steadily exceeding a million and being the second most popular destination for international students globally at the moment.

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