Erasmus+ introduces its new online version, the EU Commission announces

The project of Erasmus+ now it can be reached online through its virtual version, the EU Commission website wrote today on 15 March 2018.

As a part of their efforts to widen and strength the community of Erasmus program attendees, the project will now it will use the digital advantages in their favor.

Through this online version, the EU participators coming from 33 countries will now have the chance to communicate with their peers in Southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine*, Syria, and Tunisia.

Their aim is to engage more young people from both sides, including students, youth workers, and academics in Erasmus + Virtual Exchange as it’s called the project.

What participators basically will be doing is having online discussions on a regular basis, for example, once in a week, around an interesting topic. They will be handed a preparatory material before the day of discussion. These discussions will be moderated by a trained moderator.

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange has already gained the interest of many higher education institutions and youth organizations which decided to join this project. Always referring to the announcement, 50 partnerships have been set up so far and 40 moderators are trained.

In addition to its traditional physical exchanging program, the new digital program has the advantage to extend to other regions at a faster pace, notes the announcement.

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